Friday, June 10, 2005

Finishing up the school year

That's what I've been up to and looking forward to a much needed vacation. School ends for the kids on Wednesday but I have to work in Amity on Thursday and Friday. Then on Monday and Tuesday I have to work at the ESD office to make up for some of the days that I was in California. They wouldn't give me bereavement leave, so I work two extra days and take three without pay. I've been fighting an awful cold, too, and having a little trouble sleeping at night, so I'm very tired.

Tawnia, dad already asked for snake legs for Father's Day so you're in luck there, at least. With Dad and I both working at least some of the days that you're home, you may be having fun with your sisters without us. That's OK I guess. Saturday, the 18th, I have to be at a baptism in the morning and I'm throwing a baby shower at 2:00, so Dad will come in and get you and I'll be home a bit later than you, but not much if you stop at Costco.

I'm thinking about posting a new question but I'll do that next time.

Love ya,
MOM :) zzzzzzzzzzz

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