Friday, June 03, 2005


Eric, your pictures look great. Congratulations on graduating.

Well, classes are just about over. On Wednesday, I turned in my geology final which was a take-home test. Yesterday, I took my math final and my writing final. I got an A on the math test, and an A in the class. I was very happy about that. I'm pretty sure I got an A in writing, too. (On one of the last tests, the teacher lost his answer key, so he used my test.) All I have left is my history class, and I'm doing very well there. I got a 99 on my last essay, and he wants a copy of it to show to future classes. I still have to study for the history test, which will include essay questions on women, change and stability, nomadic societies, power, or religion. I have to prepare three of the essays, and at least one will be on the test. I'll probably take that final on Wednesday. Other than that, I am done.


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