Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Mindy's News

Well, being that Mindy won't be posting for awhile I figured that I am allowed to write and tell everyone! Mindy interviewed for a T.A. position at my school while she was here on Saturday. She was supposed to hear back on Monday... and she didn't and she didn't hear back yesterday either. I was getting a little frustrated because I wanted to know, and because it changes my housing options if she is coming. So anyway, she finally got a phone call this morning and YES she got the job! Yippee! I was very excited to hear that. The reason she hadn't heard... the principal's grandsons had hidden the paper with her phone number written on it. (He has two-year old twin grandsons who are very cute.) So now I have the adventure of trying to find housing. I know where I want to live... it's just whether apartments are available there or not... and if not, I'll find something somewhere else.

Oh, and the travelers spent last night in Las Vegas at Jenny and Ben's. I think they will be leaving for Eric's today?? They were still in Vegas when Mindy called me at 11 a.m. PST. So now you know where they are.


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