Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I have hair

Most of my hair is on my head. It's short and curly. But then you already knew that. Once, when I was little, I accidentally burned my hair. It really stinks when you do that. I got too close to the stove. I think it may have happened more than once, but I always had long hair until I was a teenager. My dad loved long hair and didn't like us to get it cut. When I was 13, I got it cut, after that I would let it grow out and cut it off then do it all over again. For the past 30 years or so it's always been fairly short. So now you know even more about my hair.

I am tired today. We're getting ready for vacation. We went shopping for food and other stuff that we need for our trip. Tomorrow we'll go shopping for clothes and to the beach in Lincoln City. We also have company coming. Lori Paton called me this afternoon and said they would like to stop by tomorrow on their way north. It's a good thing they're coming in tomorrow because we won't be here on Friday. We haven't seen them in 5 years or so.

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