Sunday, June 19, 2005


Back when I was in high school I used to collect hats, sort of. I remember doing a video project for one of my classes, I believe it was Drama I, where I did a news report and wore a different hat for every part. I had the black fedora, a bike helmet, the little beanie thing from the dance festival, my Camp Meriweather cap, and I might have had one or two others. I know I also had a solid black baseball cap, but I don'r think I used it in that project. Currently I still have the beanie, and also a new helmet, and two German hats (the Tyrolean one and the army one), a black ski mask and a construction hard hat. While I was on my mission I also bought one of those long pointy caps (like a nightcap) for winter weather, and someone gave me a cap with the flaps to fold down over the ears. But those have long since disappeared, along with the black Russian-looking one I had when I left on my mission. I think that's all of them.

Oh, and Happy Father's Day.

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