Friday, January 07, 2005

What does warm mean again?

Right now it is -17 outside .. or +1 for all you Americans. The forecast says it'll be around -20 on Monday, and that's Fahrenheit! There was snow off and on before Christmas, all melted away by Christmas, but it finally snowed again on Christmas. Since then we've had a nice blanket of snow, and it snows at least once a week, if not a little bit everyday. Not that I'm complaining, since I'm indoors all the time, but well, don't complain about not getting the warmth Eric!

Any Saturday in March should be okay for Jason and I. At this point he does work on Saturdays, but I'm sure if he mentioned it they could re-work his schedule so he could get one off. On the other hand, he's waiting for a call about a different job, and if he gets he won't work on Saturdays at all. So we'll just have to wait and see. I will definately talk to him about it, so we can plan ahead.

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