Saturday, January 01, 2005

I'm Second!

Happy New Year!

Laurel is working today (she volunteered to help her boss) so I went to our friends the Strongs' house for a party with a bunch of young families in the ward and she went to bed last night. It was a good time. When I got home she woke up and was wide awake for a couple of hours. It was kind of funny actually.

But earlier last night we went to a surprise party for our friend Bobby. It was at his sister's house in Brea. We got there late and by some bizzare coincidence we arrived the same time he did. I figured we'd blown the surprise, but then Laurel started talking about how we were there to see my cousins who lived just down the street and he bought it! We went in after we heard them all yell "Surprise!" and had a good chuckle. It was funny too because when Laurel was making up her story she kept adding details about who the people were that we were visiting. And then he asked "which house is it?" and Laurel said "I don't know, this is our first time here, we're kind of lost." It was one of the funniest times I think I've ever had.

Well, today I think I'll go to a movie alone and play with my new digital camera or "digicam" as we call it. I've taken several hundred pictures since Christmas. It's way too easy. I think I'll buy some extra memory for it with the Christmas money I got.

Goals for the new year...

I want to get a job
Finish my Master's
Coach the Elder's Quorum basketball team to another championship
Attend the temple more (once a month)
Read my scriptures every day
Take tennis lessons in the Spring

That's probably enough for now.

I love you all. Happy Birthday to Emily and Brooke. Amanda, thanks for your great post. It's great to have you in the family.


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