Friday, January 28, 2005


With the joyous news that the website is back up and running, I have changed a few things around on my page. The most obvious would be the layout on the front page (no, not all the links work yet), and the wedding section is pretty much done (just a few changes with the pictures, nothing major). I had a lot of fun doing it, and I'm trying to figure out what to do with those other pages .. what else could I put besides pictures? I was thinking of writing about travels, but that's more fun with pictures, and I have no way of getting all my Russia pictures on the computer. When that changes, then I'll add that. If you have any suggestions of what else I could add, let me know! Also check out some changes on Mom's pages. I was in a mood, so she got some updates too. Over the next few days some of that will probably be changing (she didn't like some if it and couldn't read some of it) so check back again later to see the final versions. I'll keep working on my site, and let you know when other sections are changed.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Mindy, the updates are great, but I did have one little problem. A couple of pages were hard to read -- in particular the car being soaped. (Why have I never seen these pictures before? I didn't even know you used chopsticks at the wedding.) The reception page was a little difficult to read as well. So maybe you should change the background or change the font or the color of the writing. Lighter words would be easier to see on a dark background.


PS Do you have the picture of Amanda jumping to catch the boquet? She must be two feet in the air.