Friday, January 07, 2005

My Week

Well, my week has been interesting. I woke up Wednesday morning to a foot of snow on the ground. Amy and I started to drive to work, got a really bad feeling and came home... and then I've had the flu for the last two days, so I haven't been to work since Tuesday.

Regardless of having the flu... I had to complete one of my independent study courses today. I took the final and got 94% which means I got a 97% in the class... Yippee! I got and A. This was my Introduction to Audiology and Speech Language Pathology course. I got an extension on my Anatomy and Physiology class... so now I just have to push myself and get it done by April 14th.

It snowed steadily from Wednesday through last night... and it was a beautiful clear, COLD morning this morning. Now the clouds have come back in and I believe we're supposed to have a big storm this weekend, though I hear it's going to be more wind then snow, at least in the valleys.

I'm speaking in church on Sunday. I was asked Monday night, and actually wrote my talk on Tuesday, which is good, since my life has been absolutely insane since then. I'm speaking on Spiritual Goals. I'll tell you how it went afterwards.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and has a fabulous weekend. I will hopefully get to feeling better this weekend, though sadly this means no playing in the snow. Oh well. I still haven't watched the movies I got for Christmas.

I love you all.

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