Monday, January 03, 2005

family temple day

I came up with this brilliant idea last year, but never did anything about it. This year, I'd like to try it. The idea is to have all of our family (including the in-laws), no matter where we are, do a temple endowment session at the EXACT SAME TIME. For example - 10 am on the West Coast is 1 pm on the East Coast ... so everyone out west would do the 10 am session while Adam and I are in the 1 pm session. We'd all be in the temple at the same time. I think that would be cool.

I realize this will take some planning ... I've gone through all the applicable temple schedules for where everyone is, and all temples are open in March. That also gives Eric and Laurel the option of going to LA or San Diego, and Mindy and Jason can go to Cardston or Edmonton. I would also be willing to send Jared and Michelle a little money to help cover babysitting (since they're the only ones that applies to), if necessary. So here are the questions to get this coordinated:

- Assuming that Saturday is the best day to do this, and those who work on Saturdays will have enough notice to get one day off ... what Saturday in March will work best for you? What Saturday is absolutely out of the question for you? If not a Saturday, what is your other option?

- What time of day works best? Morning, afternoon, evening? Any specific time that you have in mind?

Email me or post your thoughts, and I'll get the details figured out and then do another post about the verdict. Also, maybe Mom and Dad could send everyone temple cards with family names so we can all do family names. If we get this to work now, I'd like to try it again in the future, and make it a regular once or twice a year thing.

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