Thursday, July 07, 2005

where in the world is carmen san diego

... and the rest of the palmer clan? just wondering. feeling lethargic because of a headache, so not using the shift key (or complete sentences) except when i have to ... how's everyone's vacation? how's the move for jared and michelle and brookie and bryan? anything else this week happening that i missed? when are mom and dad and the girls going back to oregon? just wondering. one more hour of work, and then i can go home to do more laundry and make banana bread if the managers actually fixed our oven ... it's been leaking gas something fierce in the last couple of days so we haven't been able to use it, and i've got this huge bowl of banana bread mix/dough/unbaked stuff in the fridge waiting to go in the oven. we're leaving for palmyra around 2 tomorrow.

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