Monday, July 18, 2005

My Vacation

Well, I left here on Thursday and headed up to Logan. I left at 4 p.m. so that I could be at least partially through SLC before 5 p.m.... but noooo... there was construction on the freeway from Orem through the point of the mountain... so I got to South SLC at 5 and finally made it to Logan at 6:30. My friend Terrilyn and her husband Ben came over and had dinner with Erin and I that evening. Then Erin and I went for a walk over to the temple and then talked until around midnight. The nice thing about Logan is that the temperature cools down a lot at night (unlike Provo where it has been staying in the upper 70s even at night).

Friday I spent the morning running some errands. I had to buy a swimsuit and a toothbrush (things I had forgotten to bring), then I went to Aggie Ice Cream and had a sandwich and ice cream cone for lunch. After that I hung around Erin's until she got home from work. Once she got home we visited my friend, Jen, and then the three of us went to the movies and to Subway for dinner. Then Erin and I came home and talked until about 2 a.m.

We slept in Saturday and then went out to breakfast (okay, brunch) at Village Inn. Then we headed up to Bear Lake. Our first big adventure was getting Erin's car stuck in the sand. Thank goodness for some helpful people with fourwheelers that were able to pull us out. Then we spent about two hours in the lake. After that we had to go and get our raspberry shakes, which bear lake is famous for. We headed home, watched a movie, ate pizza, and comisserated with each other over our sun-burned bodies.

Sunday I went to church with Erin. It was weird because I used to be in that ward, but there weren't many people I knew there. After church I went and had lunch with Karen and Braden Hoth. (Karen and I were roommates one summer.) Then I went back to Erin's packed up and headed home.

Today my only big excitement is reading Harry Potter 6. Annie got it for her birthday. Tomorrow hopefully I'll spend getting some organizing done for school and Wednesday I have a bunch of meetings for work. Plus there's a picnic Thursday evening for the school. So that's my week in a nutshell.

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures of all these adventures that people have been having.


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