Friday, July 01, 2005

the circus has come to town

Well, if you're anywhere near any news today, you should have seen by now that there is indeed a Supreme Court resignation this session - Sandra Day O'Connor, who was speculated about but not the lead "candidate" for resignation (that was Rhenquist because he has cancer but he seems to be sticking it out). Maybe this is something that you can ignore while you fritter away your days at Disneyland, but it's a rather drastic change for us because yes indeed, this is Adam's internship. He is interning for the Nominations unit of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is THE group of people who will hold hours of hearings and vote to confirm whomever President Bush nominates.

So now I become the Accommodating Little Wifey and not insist that he come to Seattle with me, and take him food and go pick him up when he works until midnight. Summer classes end next week so he can put in a 3rd day per week on the Hill (he still has to work and do his thesis the rest of the week), and he checked his fall class schedule earlier today. He can continue working with the committee clear through graduation, because his classes are all Tues/Thurs. *sigh* I suppose this is the warm-up for the rest of my life, especially while he's in law school and when he's working in some ritzy slave-driver law firm for 5 or 10 years after that to get all the loans paid off.

The next week will be quiet because Bush did not name a nominee today - his press people say that he'll be reading through various profiles over the next week to choose someone. Bush is going to Europe for a multi-country leadership meeting until Fri. July 8, so I would guess that we'll get a name on Mon. July 11. THEN Congress will have officially stolen my husband. If the name is announced on Fri. the 8th, Adam is still going to Palmyra with Jori and me if I have to go to the Capitol and physically remove him from the building. He works there for FREE. They do NOT get his weekends and they are NOT ruining our trip to the Sacred Grove and Hill Cumorah. That is the end of Accommodating Little Wifey.

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