Friday, July 29, 2005

Ready for a new question?

Good Morning,

Jared - don't be so hard on your little brother. Anticipation is half the fun. I enjoyed the latest artwork, especially Brooke's rainbow and Bryan's face. I still haven't printed off the maze, we need a new ink cartridge for our computer. What's up with the calendar picture? My grandson is much cuter than that.

It sounds like everyone is busy at your house, Eric. Jared's busy with the new job and getting Brooke ready for school and I kind of know what the girls are up to. We're taking Mindy to Utah next weekend and going to Seattle to see Trina two weeks after that. I know you're all busy but since it's summertime and we all like to travel, I thought I'd give you a new question to ponder: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

My immediate answer to that one is everywhere, but I'll come up with something to post soon. I've been enjoying your answers to these questions so much that I've gotten a little behind on answering them. I'd better fix that.

Love ya,

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