Friday, July 22, 2005


So there is a serious lack of posting lately... what's going on? I know that for myself life is about to get crazy. Not only do I have all the prep work for school (which starts in ONE month!), but I also will be moving the week before school starts, Mindy will be moving in and on top of all that I am being asked to help do some extra stuff for the school to get things going. And yet I still post (though the frequency of this may be going down a lot in the next month.) So what is everyone else doing?? How is Nate and Manda's new apartment? How are things for Jared at his new job? Did Michelle ever get her new washer and dryer? What fun things did Eric and Laurel plan for FHE? How is Laurel feeling? How did Adam like Harry Potter 6? Has Emily read HP6? What is Clarissa doing with her summer? Is Mindy enjoying being at home? Why hasn't Mom posted pictures from vacation? If Mom doesn't have time...what is she doing? And why can't the girls post some of the pictures for her?? Mom, don't you think it's time for a new question??

Okay, so I'd like to hear more from everyone, obviously. I may not get onto a computer until next Tuesday (Monday is a state holiday since pioneer day lands on Sunday.) So that gives you all plenty of time to respond.


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