Saturday, July 23, 2005


hey Mom,
The pictures from vacation are great so far... so I was wondering if you could post some of the pictures from when we went to beach with Deb and the kids. I know I took a few there.

Camping adventures... well, I've done lots of camping with my family and also went to girls camp for, I think, five years. The things I remember from girls camp are the times I was involved in playing pranks. I was never the ringleader, but I still got involved. I also remember that one time I was asked to sing the national anthem as we raised the flag. That was pretty cool.

One of my favorite feelings is waking up while camping out in a tent. You always tend to wake up early because the sun comes up and wakes you. I love the feeling of cool morning air and then curling down into your sleeping bag to get warm and listening to the birds or running water and then smelling the campfire. That's what I like the most about camping.

I remember that the first time I ever saw a lightning bug was when we were camping. I believe it was in Wisconsin (I know it was on the 1996 East Coast Trip.) I saw this green glow in the grass and looked down to see what it was and it was a bug. Very cool to see.

I think camping has been included in most of our family vacations. I used to always think it was because it was cheaper then staying in a motel... and that's probably the real reason, but I do enjoy it and plan on forcing my children to do the same thing, even if we have enough money to stay in hotels.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

If they were in the grass and glowing green, then they were probably glowworms. Lightning bugs, or fireflies, fly around and generally glow white or yellowish.