Monday, December 27, 2004


I was just thinking about the word “resolution”. The monitor on my computer at home as a resolution of 800x600, and my computer at work has 1152x864. With a higher resolution, I am able to see a lot more on the screen. Some of you may remember my New Year’s Resolutions from 1994 (graduate from high school) and 1995 (leave on a mission). These were low resolution resolutions. My new New Year’s Resolutions are much higher resolution, meaning you can get much more detail and a much sharper focus. What’s the resolution of your Resolutions? And at the resolution of 2005, what will be the resolution of your Resolutions’ resolution?

As for changes and updates to anything that I added to the website, go ahead and change them. I’m not the only person who can do that. We ask that the personal folders remain personal, but the rest of the site really is fair game.

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