Monday, December 13, 2004

On the first day of Christmas ...

... my true love gave to me:

a little excursion up to the temple to see the lights and the Nativity sets, and an IOU for a Nativity set.

If you count Christmas Eve as Day 12, today is the First Day of Christmas. I'm doing the 12 days for Adam - we have 12 little stockings up on the dining room wall with cards in each one (I was sneaky and put them up while he was out home teaching yesterday - he came home and said "What in the world?!?"), and he pulled the first card as soon as he got up this morning. Each day will be some sort of activity, and I've tried to get a gift to go with each one. I'm a little behind on that part ... as you can see from today's Nativity set IOU. Most of the gifts were things I wanted to add to our Christmas collection anyway, and this just seemed to be a more fun way to get it all. Jill, one of Adam's friends from Florida, is spending this week with us while she has job interviews up here. I met her when we were down there for our reception in August, and she's very fun. So this week's stuff is tailored to Jill as well as to Adam.

The ultrasound (this time, it's really scheduled instead of me just speculating about it) is in about 3 hours. We will finally see the baby! Yay! And we'll get the for-sure due date. We have also learned that there are FIVE of us pregnant in the ward, and the two that know the gender so far are both having girls.

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