Saturday, December 04, 2004

Nathan and Mindy

Nathan, we'll get a REAL tree, which I definitely prefer, when we can afford it. That will involve moving out of the city, because real trees are REALLY expensive here. We got our fake tree for $30 and that's cheap. For here. Not for Oregon, where an awesome real tree is $20, or something like that. I remember Mom and Dad switched back to a fake tree because Jared and Michelle were coming for Christmas, and Michelle is allergic to real ones.

I laughed when I read that you're having a tater tot party when Napoleon Dynamite comes out on video. Please don't put them in your pocket. Did you go to that New Years fireside and party I put together in Monmouth? I know Dad came down with some of you kids, but I don't remember who. Anyway, if you did, Jon Heder - THE Jon Heder who is Napoleon Dynamite - was at that party and you may have met him. He's my bishop's son from that ward. I only hung out with Jon a couple of times because he was at BYU at the time and I met him at Christmas break. But I hung out a lot with his twin brother Dan, and I know their dad REALLY well.

Mindy, that's a very cute name for a cat. Reminds me of when Eric named our kitten Mao, because that's "cat" in Chinese. The only cat we'll ever have is the stuffed Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland that sits on our couch - Adam is allergic to real ones. So we'll have to be careful whenever we come visit you in Canada. (I don't know when that will be in the next few years ... but just so you're forewarned.)


Michelle said...

What the heck is Napoleon Dynamite? Is that some anime thing or something? I've never heard of it.

tawngap said...

Jared --

Napoleon Dynamite is a movie written by some BYU student that takes place in Preston, ID. I still haven't seen it. Though it is now at the dollar theater, so I will probably see it some time this week. I have heard that it's pretty dumb, yet very quotable... something along the lines of "Dumb and Dumber" or "Monty Python" so it fits in with our family's sense of humor.
