Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Does it seem possible that she's 24 years old? Very interesting post Jared. And thanks Adam for your message, too. Sorry I haven't been on for a few days. With one more person sharing the computer it's hard to find time to get on here. Also, I've been rather busy with other things like Christmas and cooking and such. Dad and I have been looking over some of our plans for the coming year. Last year Dad set a specific amount to pay our debt down and we made it to within $22 of that amount. Not bad. We've outlined our vacation plans for next summer and if all goes as planned I should be able to cross several things off my 100 list. But who knows, our trip to Washington DC may get postponed. I have to review my genealogy goals and see what I can accomplish from that list. I plan to do better in my scripture reading and my journal writing so I'm making some specific goals in those areas and I still need to lose some weight so I have a goal there. I should have my list all worked out by January first. I just hope my resolutions can last through the year. I guess I need to resolve not to quit working on them. Do any of you care to share your goals and dreams for the coming year? We'd love to hear what you want to accomplish in your lives.

Love ya,

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