Monday, May 01, 2006

at work today ...

Yesterday's string of phone calls was a little interesting - the phone did not stop ringing from people calling to check on the baby status.

After feeling a rather strong sense of urgency on Friday to "get this done NOW," I'm at work today. Huh. But I was able to wrap things up for Susan on Friday, and now I can spend today focusing on Jeremy's list of little things. I'm in one-day-at-a-time mode. If Summer isn't born by the weekend, I guess I'll consider on Sunday whether or not to continue coming to work next week. The last week or so has been spent doing various prep things, like getting the laundry caught up and a lot of the clutter under control. Now I'm scouting the floors - I think those will be next, and the bathroom.

Doctor's report last week was that Summer has dropped (it wasn't noticeable to me at the time of the appointment, but it definitely is now), I was 70% effaced and 1-2 cm dilated. Next check is tomorrow, and I expect to be further advanced on both counts. Here's the catch - NO contractions. None. Not even the "warm-up" Braxton-Hicks variety. The doctor's estimate last week was 10-14 days, meaning middle of next week. (Late.) That's all well and good, except for this gut feeling I have of hurry up and get things taken care of at work NOW. Intuition?

Now that Emily is here and I've gotten things under control at work, we're starting the "helps" of getting labor moving - like taking a walk, eating spicy food, ankle massages, and the like.


Anonymous said...

"...and the like." Nudge nudge, wink wink, say n'more!

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

I actually was considering calling you yesterday, but opted out for some reason. I may call you later this week sometime though. Unless you call me first, or something.

Michelle said...

I walked 2 miles and took Brooke to the park on August 10, 2002. Bryan was born the next day. I'm not sure it was related, but maybe.