Thursday, May 11, 2006

PS to Nathan and Michelle

Nathan, tell the sister in your ward that in some ways, yes, it is easier to take care of a baby while it's still inside you. But when the baby is still inside, she has to do ALL the work herself. When the baby is outside, more people can help you. Like the dad. (See my other post about my amazing husband.) Also, tell her to NOT get dehydrated!!! Water water water and more water. I got dehydrated while in early labor, and they had to pump me full of fluids via an IV before they'd give me the epidural.

Michelle, I don't know that there's anything else that we need at this point ... our ward and some of my co-workers have been very generous in making sure we've got all the necessities, and we were able to take care of the rest ourselves. Now that we're home with the baby and actually using everything instead of just stacking it in a closet, we'll be able to make a better assessment in the next few days/weeks. Thanks for asking!!!

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