Saturday, May 20, 2006


My first drawing in a while, and I had to share. It's of one of the girls in first grade at Reagan. She isn't from my class, but she ended up in one of my photos, and was just too cute to pass up. I added her to my webpage, but since there's a lot there I figured I'd show you here, just to be sure you can see. I'm pretty pleased with it.

To answer Mom's question, my favorite type of clothing to wear is jeans, a cute shirt, and flip-flops (for summer time anyway). I like to wear clothes that fit - after I gained some weight, and didn't change my wardrobe, I had really low self-esteem. Once I had clothes that fit, even though I wasn't any smaller, I felt a lot better.

My summer plans include a job - what it is yet, I'm not sure. I'm really looking forward to the reunion, and seeing everyone - that's the real high-light. In August Tawnia and I are planning on moving to Springville, where we will both be working at Reagan again. I'm also looking at getting my associate's degree, starting in the fall.

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