Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sick as a dog

First and foremost, congratulations to the new mother and father. Are there any baby things that you still need?

Bryan is very sick today. He has chest congestion, wheezing,fever,and coughing up phlem. Doctor thinks he is developing bronchitis. If that wasn't enough he also has the stomach flu. He just can't keep anything down. I'm concerned that he threw up his antibiotics. He is sleeping a lot. When he is awake he just sits and stares. That is very bothersome to me. I took him to the doctor yesterday. He received a breathing treatment, because his airways were restricted. That improved his breathing, but he still has some wheezing. He was also prescribed liquid albuterol for breathing. And he dosen't like any of these medicines. On a lighter note, this is really gross!

Brooke is feeling much better. Saturday we went to a birthday party. The hosts have 4 cats. Even though the cats were kept in the garage, Brooke still had a severe allergic reaction. She have uncontrollable sneezing, her eyes were extremely red, her face swelled up with a bright red rash, and it caused a bad asthma attack. We had to rush her home, which took 30 minutes, to get her inhaler. Before we got home, she was coughing and could barely breath. Sunday her eyes were still watery and her face was still puffy, and of course sneezing. Monday she just had sneezing and today she is doing fine. That was very scary.

I'm fine, obviously just home today. Jared is fine. Things are going well on the home front. I hope to find everyone doing well.


PS-Does anybody know which hospital Trina is at.

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