Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Where Eric Was

Sorry I didn't get your call Tawnia. Sunday night was interesting. We went to Rachel's for a few hours after church and a nap, and then we came home early so Laurel could meet with Sister Davis to plan a YW activity, and so I could change and go to Stake Priesthood Meeting. When we got to the house, Laurel took my keys to her car (which also have my back door key) and drove away. I took the keys to my car (which also have my front door key) and tried to open the front door, but the screen door was locked, so I couldn't get in. So, I drove over the Davis's and told Laurel what happened. By then it was almost time for the meeting to start, so I went in my flip flops, shorts, and a t-shirt. I felt a bit out of place, and nobody asked why I was dressed like that, so I didn't have a chance to tell my story. It was a very good meeting though and I'm glad I went.

To address your concern though Tawnia, it sounds good to me. I was a bit worried about taking many days off work, and was a bit concerned about Laurel and Stevie as well. I'm sure you wouldn't mind Laurel and Stevie tagging along with your friends, or meeting up with Laurel and I after work on those days, but at any rate we have a lot more options this way. I'll take work off on Monday for sure though.

Last night we went to Disneyland for FHE. It was a lot of fun. Stevie liked Winnie the Pooh and Small World. As usual, he was acosted by a pack of pretty girls who wanted to ooh and ahh and take his picture. He smiled and laughed up a storm at them. He's quite the ladies man.

Today he's being watched by Stephanie Spackman (ref. Stevie-D) while Laurel goes to the doctor.

That's all for now.

Except that we're very excitedly awaiting the birth of Summer.

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