Thursday, May 11, 2006

home from the hospital

We're home now ... it took longer into the afternoon to get all processed out of the hospital than we had figured, but I was told last night that over 30 people were being discharged out of maternity today. So maybe we were toward the end of the line. Either way ... we're home.

Yes, we'll be sending more pictures via email until we can get the webpage put together and posted. There will be a bit of a lag for a couple of days though - we apparently put some pretty crummy batteries in the digital camera because they're already dead. We have to get new ones to download the next batch of pictures and to take more.

We're fine. I'm having to relearn how to walk ... hanging out in a hospital room didn't give me much chance to test my physical capacity after delivery, and now I'm finding out what I can and can't do. Let's put it this way - it's a good thing I have a lot of sit-down projects to do right now like my studying and some scrapbooking. Summer started smiling today. (Don't tell me it's gas, because gas doesn't light up your eyes.) I'll keep the camera close so we can try to catch it. Mostly it's in her sleep, but sometimes she looks straight at Adam and just beams at him. She definitely knows her daddy and he puts me to shame when it comes to taking care of her. He's so awesome. I remember thinking a long time ago that I wasn't just looking for my husband to come along, but also my children's daddy. I did better than I ever thought possible.

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