Monday, May 01, 2006

My Weekend

On Saturday I woke up at 6:30 and stared at my alarm clock wondering why I hadn't woken up for my alarm. Then I remembered it was Saturday so I went back to bed. After a few more hours of sleep I got up and got myself ready for the day. Then I went and got myself a vegetarian pizza (with chicken added... so it wasn't actually vegetarian) and filled my car up with gas (man that stuff is getting spendy!) I came home and then headed over to my friend Abby's place. She got set apart to be a service missionary in Nauvoo for the summer and then I took her to the airport. My first mission companion... it lasted for an hour! I got back from SLC around 4 p.m. and then went and picked up Mindy from the park where she was playing games with some other people from our ward. Then Mindy and I went to Sam's Club where I became a member! Woohoo! Food in BULK! It will be more convenient when we have our own place... because at the moment we don't really have any place to store extra large amounts of food. The really nice part about Sam's Club is that we can get gas there... and it's much cheaper. Oh, and while there I also signed up for my first credit card ever. (I was preapproved and there are no fees... and I can get 1% back on everything I buy at Sam's Club and Wal-Mart.) After that Mindy and I headed to Seagull Book (Deseret Book's competition.) I got several books and enjoyed myself. Then we came home and ate some dinner. After dinner we headed next door to join a birthday party for our neighbor. We watched a movie and enjoyed just hanging out.

Sunday was rather relaxed. We didn't have any choir so I didn't have any meetings or anything. So instead I called Trina. Then Mindy and I actually headed to church early so that I could practice the piano, since I had to play for sacrament meeting. Church was good... then we had dinner and ward prayer and I made a few more phone calls in the afternoon. Speaking of phone calls... Eric - I tried calling you, but you didn't answer. I have people to go to D-land with on the 13th and 14th... so I want to go with you and Laurel on the 12th! Okay??

This week is state testing... except for tomorrow which is the fourth grade track meet. So tomorrow I get to spend the entire day at Springville High School in the hot sun... with 19 students! It should be great fun!

And that's what's up with me.

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