Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Spring Break

Hooray! It's spring break! To bad it's only five days long instead of the nine that I used to get. Anyway, I have a million and a half things planned to do and instead I'm sitting posting on the blog. I guess I'll add it to my list so I can check it off... since it's not on their. I am going to do exciting things like completely clean out my room. Maybe I'll even start packing some things. And then I think I'll go to the library and check out books and work on lesson plans and... well, you get the idea. But don't worry, I have plenty of play time planned also. I am going to Logan on Friday and spending the weekend up there. It will be very nice.

Oh, and I forgot that I need to spend a couple hours on the script this weekend. Yup, better add that to the list. Fun times, fun times!

Love ya'


Skippy said...

is your spring break so late because your school took so long to start?

tawngap said...

No, that's when it was planned all along. Utah is weird when it comes to planning things like Spring Break. I'm hoping things will be different next year.