Thursday, April 13, 2006

My new doctor

Nathan asked me to tell him what happened with my appointment yesterday. I figured everyone would want to know. This doctor didn't really address the problem with my legs, at least not directly. He was much more concerned that my blood sugars have been super high. They were consistently in the 200s and once up to 396. So he put me on more medication and on a very strict diet. NO refined sugar or flour. And I'm supposed to eat at the same time every day and exercise at the same time every day. It's interesting figuring out what I can and can't eat. As far as my legs are concerned, he thinks that once I get my blood sugar under control they'll take care of themselves. Meanwhile I'm just supposed to keep on truckin'.

They don't look very pretty and they hurt and itch but somehow I'll make it through this. At least he's doing something to help with the more serious issue.

Take care and thanks for your prayers.

Love ya,

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