Monday, April 10, 2006


So my computer at work has a lot of filters, since it's at an elementary school... and I was planning on getting on to Eric's page in order to update my desk top background, which I keep as one of the more current Stevie pictures. Well... today it wouldn't let me on because it says there are references to tobacco. Eric, I'm not sure what you said, but I'm curious to see when I get home from work... and if it wouldn't be to difficult, could you delete it in a few days so I can get on and update my Stevie picture??


P.S. I'll have to go back and delete that "T" word on my post soon also, because the communication page is now blocked!


Frank and Evelyn said...

Did you discover the problem? I thought it was maybe those naked baby pictures, but why would the computer say it was tobacco? I hope you get it figured out soon.

tawngap said...

No, I didn't figure it out, but it no longer blocks it... and I didn't change my post. Oh well.