Saturday, April 08, 2006

lots of somethings

That's what we have now ... my baby shower was this morning, and as I predicted, we got lots of clothes. Some pink, but also a lot of yellow and all very very cute. We also got toys and board books, and a ton of diapers. The group gift was a backpack diaper bag (which Adam had requested for when we're on day trips or traveling so you'll all see it in July) and an activity center - not an exersaucer where the baby sits in the middle and can turn around to all the toys. This is the other way around. The toys are on a little table thing, and the seat is attached to the outside and goes all way around it. We'll have our little pal Ethan try it out for us.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for sending a gift to be part of the baby shower - that was probably the biggest surprise of the day. When we first saw the blue, someone commented that someone wasn't too positive about the baby being a boy or girl, but then I unfolded it and there are flowers all over it. Very cute! And warm jammies.

Adam hasn't seen any of it yet. He picked me up at the end, helped unload the car, and immediately left to go take care of ward missionary stuff this afternoon. I could have gone with him, but I'm doing some reorganizing to make room for all this new stuff.

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