Thursday, April 06, 2006


So apparently something happened to the website today or something. Michelle told me there were a bunch of emails about it when I got home, so I read them. I thought Nathan's was funny. I didn't see any website problems, but then I just looked at it for the first time five minutes ago. Of course you guys do realize that you can still read the blog even if is down, right? The address for the blog is

I don't have anything to say, really. I just thought it was funny that there were a bunch of emails about nothing in my inbox. I deleted all of them after I read them.

That's all. Have a nice day or something.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Well Jared, at some point it WAS something. And it might still be. I haven't heard back from Trina. But yes, you're right about the blog, since we've been hosting it on blogspot since moving it off of Good thing to remember. Also, please everyone try not to use the host server as your only backup. You never know what might happen so back up your files.