Thursday, April 06, 2006


I just watched Eric's video and cracked up. I thought it was hilarious. I'm still giggling even now. Mindy said, "It's funny... but it's not that funny." Nope, I think it is that funny.

It has been an interesting day. We had "The Utah Water Van" come and teach us all about the water cycle and wetlands for an hour. Then went to lunch, then to music, then to the computer lab... and then we finally got back to the classroom around 2 p.m. (We left at 11 a.m.) But... it was good stuff. In the computer lab I was able to give my class a science test... hehe.... I'm such a nice teacher.

And tomorrow is going to be a great day also. It's "Junior Engineering Day". USU put together a lot of science lessons with kits... and for a measly 1200 smackers, we get the use of the kits for a day. So I'll be teaching the same lesson to the three fourth grades and three third grades. (Just repeating it six times!) By the sixth time I should be pretty effecient. I'm teaching about hearing and stuttering. It'll be fun. I get to let the kids play with all sorts of fun toys, like an oscillopscope and a metronome and a giant model of an ear. In some of the other rooms they'll learn about electricity and hurricanes and lots of other things.

Anyway, that is a little of what's going on with me. I liked Eric's post and thought of writing out my day like that sometime... but I don't have time at the moment. Oh, and Nate -- why haven't you posted on your blog for so long?


1 comment:

Eric said...

Thanks for the compliment Tawnia. Dad laughed really hard at it when I showed it to him at Christmas time. (There were some problems with the sound I had to work out before I could post it.) I didn't think it was that funny either, but there you go.

Good job being Super Science Teacher. I'm sure it'll be great (or is great already, now that you're probably doing it). Good luck!