Friday, April 21, 2006

Brooke's Day Surgery

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Brooke is feeling much better today. Her procedure went well. The doctor showed me before and after pictures of the ureters. The opening for the left ureter was very open allowing the reflux. The right was more open than is should have been. He placed the deflux gel at both. The after pictures look much better. He said this should really help. Brooke will need to follow up with Dr. Jones in 2 months. Of course, she will continue antibiotics at least until then.

Brooke woke up just fine from anesthesia. She was very groggy and slept a lot yesterday. She threw up 4 times and was just feeling lousy overall. Today she has a strong appetite and is eating and drinking well. It still hurts to pee. That should be better soon too. I do have her here at home today. She will go back to school Monday. She is still tired and a little weak.

For the fun stuff. She chose a big wheel to ride to surgery. She is still wearing her Texas Children's Hospital pajamas. She chose cherry anesthesia gas. That's the update everyone. Take care.

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