Friday, April 07, 2006

really something

On Monday I went to work at school, fine normal day. Then I went to the eye doctor and got my eyes checked, and ordered some new glasses (two pairs, actually, because that was the deal they had). After I walked home, I relaxed for a short while, and then went to work at Subway. The two girls that were there were BOTH leaving when I got there, so I spent my entire shift from 6-10 completely alone. And then, the customers came .. and kept coming .. without a break for THREE HOURS. It was insane! I had no time to do any prep or cleaning until I locked the door at closing time. I spent the next hour doing the bare minimum for the next day, I went home exhausted. But not for I put in my two weeks notice. I'm never happy going to work there, I'm always annoyed about it, and I'm never appreciated when I work hard so I'm not motivated to do it. The funny thing is, I worked the three days after, and my manager has never been nicer to me. I'm not sure if she doesn't want me to quit, or she just wants me to leave with a positive experience. I'll probably start looking for a summer job in the next little while.

In other news, last night at ballet I able to come incredibly close to doing the splits. My teacher told me that if I stretched and practiced every day, I could easily touch the floor in a week. I was very excited. But when I came home, I tried again, and pulled a muscle in my leg. I took some Tylenol this morning and went to work anyway since it was basically a play day for me, with all the Jr Engineering stuff going on. I'll need to take it easy for the next little while, and I'm guessing I won't be able to do the splits for a couple weeks now.

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