Friday, April 07, 2006

Flashlights, Thunder, and the Spring Concert

Hello, family. This evening was . . . interesting. My, what an understatement.

I went to the spring concert. The first number was Vivaldi's "Summer" from "The Four Seasons." Now, part of this number involves playing a storm with thunder and hail. And as they played, there was thunder flashing, and the trees swaying in the wind, and then the power went out.

They somehow finished the piece, but then we were told to go into the basement because there was a tornado warning. It turned out later that the tornado watch was about fifty miles south, but that's still not really comforting. So we sat around in the dark, with only the light of cell phones. Some people went to watch the storm. We joked about performing Bible stories (based on a play the school performed a couple of weeks ago.)

Well, the show went on, once flashlights were located. So, I got to be part of the spring concert. I stood holding a flashlight between the timpany and the flutes. I tried to shine it on the conductor too. My roommate, Julie, had a harp solo, and I held the light for her. But then the lights did come on for the last couple of numbers (including the "Mission Impossible Theme.") Yes, it was a great concert. At least, the percussion was great, since that was what I could hear.

So, that was a little adventure. I thought you'd want to know.

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...

Emily that was SOMETHING!!!