Monday, November 28, 2005

The ultrasound ...

... is scheduled for December 20. So when people say, "Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" you can answer that we will find out on Dec. 20. I still say it's a girl and refer to the baby as "she" and "her" (rather than "it") and I will be genuinely surprised if "she" turns out to be a boy. Our friends John and Muriel are due about 3 weeks before us, and they just found out that they're having a girl. Taylor says "That's what you think ..." because their ultrasound reading was "we think it's a girl but the cord is partially in the way." Heh. They have Ethan now, born in April. Not a girl.

I had another check-up this morning ... the baby's heartbeat came through strong and clear. She's doing fine. My sciatic nerve and right hip are not happy campers and I've already been in pain for about a week. The doctor said that sciatic pain is normal, but not usually this early. Lovely. It hurts to walk, particularly up stairs, and it really hurts when I'm going from standing to sitting or vice versa. I had to stop wearing my CTR ring this week - it's already left a mark on my finger. My wedding ring has been fine so far - it was a little loose anyway, so now it fits.

In other news, I have a new calling as of yesterday. I've been released as a ward missionary and Sunday School teacher, and now I'm the Primary pianist. There are 2 of us and we switch off, and the ward music director plays sometimes to help as well. So I'll actually have to play only one Sunday in December, because we're having only sacrament meeting on Christmas Day.

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...

We're excited to find out if it's Summer or Mikey so I hope the baby cooperates and doesn't turn it's back on us, or something.