Wednesday, November 02, 2005

it came already!

Hey Mom and Dad - the package that you put together got here today! I was very happy to see it, especially since I wasn't expecting it yet. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my ornaments just yet, but I'm sure we'll have a Christmas tree in the next few weeks. Gloves and scarves are always good to have too. Thanks! I'm really looking forward to being home for Christmas, it's just a matter of figuring out what to get for people.

Change. Yeah, I've been through that. Getting married, being married, not being married, living with roommates again .. anything that I could have done to better prepare?? Looking back I see so much I could have done, but I think I was too stubborn at the time to really pay attention. My advice? Look to your parents, church leaders, siblings, etc. for guidance. I know I thought I knew everything, but boy I didn't. I don't regret what happened though, because I've learned so much, but it will definately prepare me for the future. Also, stay close to the spirit, for it really really helps you figure things out, even if you think you know what you should do - because sometimes it isn't what you think. And if you experience some change you aren't happy with, then lean even closer on the spirit, and everything will work out in the end. As I like to say, if everything hasn't worked out, it isn't the end.

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