Sunday, November 13, 2005

My Christmas List

Well, since the majority of the things I want are priceless (as in, you can't go out to a store and buy them) I will give you the list of the non-priceless items I wouldn't mind getting for Christmas... even though no one has asked for a Christmas list yet (which is crazy since it's almost the end of November and Mom usually asks towards the end of September.)

1. Games! I really like this game called Apples to Apples. I would also like Settlers (either of Cataan or Zarahemla). I also wouldn't mind having Risk (the old school version NOT Lord of the Rings or any of those other ones that are out there.) Ummm... and I like other games too.
2. CDs. I would really like some good Church Music. I also like Disney. I don't have any soundtracks so those would be fun to have. And if Josh Groban has a Christmas CD I would like that. I would like the sound track to "The Majestic."
3. Books. I have a fettish for children's books... but most of mine are now residing at school and getting demolished by my students. I could always use new copies of things (even if I already have them... so don't worry about getting me something I already have.) The only thing I would not get me would be Harry Potter (those did not get taken to school.) I would also love church books. There is one that Trina had and I read back when I was RS president. I think it was by Ardeth Kapp... or something like that. Anyway, It was an easy read, but I really enjoyed it. And my favorite children's book author is Robert Munsch. I would also not mind getting some guitar music (Beginner is best!), piano music (I want the music to Cristifori's Dream), or music I can sing.
4. Movies.... well, there aren't a lot that I want. I don't have a lot of time to watch movies, but I wouldn't mind getting the newer version of Miracle on 34th Street. It's one of my favorites.
5. Food - Yeah, I like food. You could buy me that.
6. Socks (My happy socks got a hole in them. It makes me sad.)
7. Pictures of all my favorite family members
8. A note telling me how much you love me. Yup, that would be nice.
9. A digital camera. I would like to have my own so I don't have to always borrow Mindy's.
10. Tickets to fun events going on in Provo. (Two would be best, so I would have an excuse to get a date.)

Okay, so there you have it. A list of things that you can get for Tawnia. Yes, it was unsolicited, but I figured if I was going to get things I wanted, I should ask.


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