Thursday, November 03, 2005


It was Adam that posted the ultrasound picture, so thank him. I can't see it very clearly, so I wouldn't have posted it.

I had my next doctor's appointment today and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was cool! He put a stethescope type thing on my tummy with some kind of gel, and there it was. It would fade in and out - he'd find it, the baby would move, and then he'd have to find it again. It was kinda funny. It was very, very distinct. It looks like I may be able to have the full ultrasound the week before Christmas instead of waiting until after the holidays. We'll see how the scheduling goes. Anyway, hearing the heartbeat makes it a little more real ... because even with my clothes not fitting and getting sick to my stomach at the slightest thing, it's still not quite connected in my brain that I'm actually pregnant.

I'm very happy that Halloween is over so we can get on with the business of Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's - the REAL holidays. It's going to be good this year.

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