Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Wedding Memories...

Well I was only there for a few days for Nathan and Amanda, but I still got to have my own memories of Trina and Adam too. I'll recount the whole story, mainly for Mindy's benefit, plus for anyone else who may have missed all the details.

Tawnia was the one in charge of decorating Trina and Adam's car. Unfortunately, Trina LIED about which car they would be taking. Wo unto the liar for they shall be thrust -- not directed, not gently placed, but THRUST -- ON A ROCKET -- down to Hell. Apparently she was afraid of what damage we might inflict on a car. What kind of monsters do you think we are, Trina? Have we EVER actually damaged anyone's car? And you're our sister, despite what Adam may say. Needless to say, Tawnia was PISSED. She put alot of work into decorating the wrong car.

Fast forward one week. Nathan's groomsmen and bridesmaids hold a meeting to hammer out details for this decoration project and Tawnia says we need to get Trina's car too. I somehow ended up in charge of the project, and Eric was over procurement. So Nathan was all suspicious of Eric because he vanished to go to the drugstore before the ceremony. Anyway, we had double the supplies we needed, and most of it was set aside for Trina's car. By the time the reception started, I had Trina's keys, and Amanda's, and Eric's, and Tawnia's, as well as my own, and I almost got Dad's too. But then as soon as we (Nathan's friends and I) started working on Amanda's car, Adam showed up and wanted to help. Then Trina came out needing something from her car, and Adam took the keys back from me. So we finished Nate and Amanda's car, and Adam went back inside. But now we didn't have the keys to open Trina's car, which was where most of the work was going to take place. We had tons of whipped cream, and red hots, and toilet paper, and cookies, and various other props, that we never got to use. So there was just a little bit of stuff on the outside of the car and that was all.

Later, Trina and Adam saw the car and realized it really was fun to get "tagged," as it were, and offered to let us finish, but that kind of ruins the whole thing, doesn't it? So we left them with just a faint hint of what they could have had -- if Trina wasn't a dirty rotten liar. ;) Love you sis.

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