Friday, June 04, 2004

Greetings Children

Our computer is up and running with a slightly different look. We now have Windows XP. Because of the virus, Dad had the hard drive wiped clean and I just reinstalled the documents I saved. I still need to put several programs back on the computer from disks here at home, but we don't have all the junk that was slowing things down.

Today is Clarissa's graduation, so I'm taking the day off work to go to the senior breakfast and get things ready for tonight. June 11th is my last day of work until next September. Just 10 more days and Michelle and the kids will be coming, I'm so excited to see them again. After that everything around here will be absolutely crazy, with people coming and going and getting married. It is very exciting and I'm anxious to welcome two new kids into our family.

Cheryl and Tiffany have their tickets, they'll be arriving late Friday and Marli will pick them up so they can stay with her that night. Speedy won't be able to come, but Debbie will come to Nathan's wedding. She'll be flying in and out of Seattle. I still need to talk to everyone in Seattle and see who plans to come down for Trina's wedding, besides Dondi. I guess that's everything for the moment. Gotta run now so I can get Clarissa to her practice.

See most of you soon. (Sure wish you could be here Mindy & Jason, but I do understand.)

Love ya,

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