Monday, June 28, 2004

Safe but Sunburnt

I was wondering when anyone would post on the blog again. It seemed like as soon as I posted, everyone else stopped! I do understand that everyone was together though, so there was less of a need.. but I wasn't there, and I wanted to hear all about what happened! Everyone post your favorite memories of the weddings.. all the fun highlights and stuff. I wanna hear all about it.

On Saturday Jason and I went to a lake with Barry and some of his family. We went on the jet-skis, and Jason even went on the "Dorito".. an air filled triangle (not sure exactly what to call it) pulled behind the jet-skis. Lots of fun. It was nice to be out of the house, away from the city, and in the sun. Except we got a little too much sun. I'm rosier than usual, while Jason's tan is getting ever darker (he doesn't burn). It was definately worth it though, to have a nice day away from it all.

And in other news, I got my hair cut tonight! I went to the mall, and got a fabulous hair stylist. My hair is about shoulder length.. with LAYERS! How crazy is that? I've never had layers before. It's so healthy though, and shiny, and super soft.. I love it! I actually have a hair style now, instead of just... hair. I've only had it done for a couple hours, but I love it already. I'll send pictures after Mom and Dad get up here in a few weeks... I know Dad will take a couple.


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