Friday, June 04, 2004

Eric's Memory of MHS

First of all, congrats to Clarissa, the big shot high school graduate. Great job little sister! It's not only amazing that we're all out of high school, but now we're all grown-ups as well. Welcome to the adult world Clarissa. It's great. You get to stay out late, cook your own meals... it's good times. Keep us posted on your plans.

My favorite MHS memory? Well, I enjoyed a lot of things about it... Speech Team, Thespians, Band, Swim Team, Government class, English class, creative writing, writing for The Bruin... retaking Junior Health, the teacher's strike, the ongoing construction projects, all beautiful memories. If I had to pick out one though, it would probably be being part of Stage Band in 10th grade, and winning at Willamette when Jazz Ensemble and Middle School didn't. It was great. A bunch of them moped in the buses because they didn't win and didn't get to play in the show that night. Ah, the triumph of the underdog.

Uh, that and when I was the star quarterback and won state. That was cool too.

See you all soon,

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