Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Memories from Emily

(Sorry I have to post under Mom's but mine still didn't work. This is Emily.)

Favorite Memory of Trina's Wedding: I actually spent most of the reception with Sarah Beers; we played Mad-Libs and laughed a lot. The reception was very informal. Most of the kids were on the swings or teeter-totter, including the twenty-eight-year-old kids. I had to ride it side-saddle because of my skirt. I teased Adam and called him my little brother. He is eighteen months younger; it doesn't matter that he's head and shoulders taller than I am. And the Kisers' house is awesome.

Favorite Memory of Amanda's Wedding: I liked the shower we had for her; we had a sheet of questions about her, like what was her favorite color (blue), car she drives (the white one), plays she's been in (You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown), where Nathan proposed (SAMs Place -- aka his apartment), and where the ring was (in a sock). (Incidently, this sheet of paper is sitting right next to the computer.)

We drove up to Washington on Friday, and I was with Jared, Michelle, Brooke, and Bryan, Mom, Dad, and Clarissa. It takes longer to travel with a four-year-old, but we all saw each other on the freeway. Jared and Adam first met at a gas station around Tacoma. The most interesting thing I saw on that drive was a car towing a cannon. Really!

I liked after the luncheon going upstairs with the other girls to do our hair and make-up. No boys allowed!

And I liked it when Nathan and Amanda were opening presents, and they threw all the wrapping paper at Jemomo. Look out for that purple grenade!

Favorite Vacation Memory: To go back to a previous topic I never answered, my favorite vacation was without a doubt 1996, when we went to the East Coast. The Smithsonian Washington D.C., the Hill Cumorah Pageant, seeing the sun rise on Cadillac Mountain, the Statue of Liberty, playing Encore and listening to those old radio shows for hours.

Favorite Fourth of July Memory: I thought I would add a new question. What is your favorite Fourth of July? Of course, we cannot forget the one when we spent all day climbing around on the roof. I remember when I was about twelve Uncle Gary came and we went to Silver Creek and saw a Civil War reenactment. And we would usually watch the fireworks behind the Middle School, oohing and ahhing, or falling back pretending we had been hit.

Well, I hope that covers everything. Keep in touch and remember, PALMERS FOREVER!


PS I intend to always put Emily Palmer on my books, even after I get married. That is not going to change.

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