Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Well, I was going to post yesterday, but then I couldn't get on to blogger... and then the computer that I was on froze... so I decided that the three and a half hours of studying I'd done would have to suffice for the night. I also took Monday off so that I could get a bunch of extra studying in. All I have left for this class is the final... which I'm trying to prepare for. I will probably take it a week from Friday, so that I have an entire week and a half to review for the test. I think I'll do well enough, and since the grade is only to make me happy... I don't think I'm to stressed about it. I just don't know what I'm going to do with my time once I'm done with this class. Right now my normal schedule is to go to work, come home and eat, and then go to campus and study Anatomy. I reallly don't know what I'll do with myself when I'm not this busy. Hopefully something will come along to fill my time.... like a big church calling, or something.

Anyway, the weather here has been weird. We had spring like conditions for a few weeks, and then it started snowing again on Monday... it doesn't stick in the valleys, but it's still really really cold.

I am glad to see that people are starting to post again.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Having recently finished four solid years of school... be glad for periods of boredom. Cherish them. It may well be years before you have them again. ;)