Tuesday, March 08, 2005

crash and burn

My posting is really sporadic right now because our computer crashed last week. The silver lining in that black cloud is that this week is spring break, so Adam has time to get it fixed without having homework. I flat out have no time for anything extra while I'm at work. I'm pushing upwards of 50 hours a week the last couple of weeks, and that's looking to hold steady clear through the spring conference next month. Really, really insane and it's making me rather stressed. Adam is being patient ... for the time being. He wasn't too happy when his attention time last night got sucked up by me finishing invitations to Sarah's baby shower in 2 weeks.

Answers to Mom's questions ... My baptism was on November 1, 1980. I remember opening my eyes under the water and seeing blurred images of a row of kids looking over the edge of the font at me. Everyone said that my eyes looked really huge. "As big as saucers!" And I remember during my confirmation, I looked out between the men standing in front of me (there were a lot of men in the circle but I have no idea who) to see Becca Shaw, who was my best friend.

What I enjoy now that I enjoyed as a kid is READING. My reading tastes have changed, particularly in the last 2 years. When I was a kid, I read all kinds of stories and young teenager novels (I'm sure they've changed and are rather smutty now, but they were mild then). I didn't read consistently for a long time during college, at least not for fun. The first couple of years after college, I didn't read a thing that I can recall. When I got back to Oregon from Montana, I got into reading biographies and other non-fiction. In 2004, I read 14 books and only one was fiction. I'm mixing church books and history and political science stuff. Right now, I'm reading Jesus the Christ and a biography about Theodore Roosevelt.

And, I like playing on the swings at the park.

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