Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Sun's Shining Bright

Everything seems alright, as we're poisining pigeons in the park...

Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you, Trina for making my day brighter. That site was quite enjoyable.

Probably the most adventuresome thing I did was driving to Texas and back by myself.... with my car loaded down so that I couldn't see out the back window (that was just on the way there though... Jared, do you still have that bookshelf I gave you?? I miss it sometimes. You could give it a little hug for me.) On the way back I drove from Jared's to my friend's parents' house in Western Nebraska.... it only took 18 hours to do the drive, and the coollest thing was this massive thunderstorm that made it impossible to see. I was doing 25 on the freeway, had my wipers going as fast as they could, and then ended up following the tail lights in front of me off at an exit, and waited about 10 minutes for the storm to pass.

Another adventure I had was going to Germany the summer between my Sophomore and Junior years in high school. It was fun, but very much out of my comfort zone at the time. And it was basically my first flight, and I was alone (well, except for the 10 or so other high schoolers and our supervisor, who was sitting 15 rows ahead of us.)

I don't know what other "adventuresome" things I've done. I can't think of anything too death defying that I've done. I have been kayaking but that was all on flatwater. And I've been rafting down rapids. I went down a zip line once and it scared me to death (but I can say I've done it.) I don't think I'll ever jump out of planes or go hand-gliding.... I'm just not THAT adventuresome. I did like the roller coaster at Disney World that sent you in a corkscrew turn, and upside down, and just all over... it was fun. But I don't know how "adventuresome" that is either.

Anyway, It was a beautiful day, but now the sun has gone down, but I will enjoy walking home with Annie this evening.

Work is keeping me extremely busy. I haven't had any moments with nothing to do. In fact I keep finding more and more things that I NEED to do. But it's good. I'm also figuring out my summer job (have I mentioned this already?) I think I will soon win the award for person posting most.

I saw Issac last night and gave him the cookies Deb made for him. He'll get all of the other stuff she sent for him when he comes over for dinner on March 20th, the day before his birthday. He met me outside my institute class and we ended up talking for about 45 minutes. It was good to catch up with him since we haven't talked or seen each other since Christmas break. Oh, and he'll be getting his mission call next week, hopefully.

Anyway, only 15 days until my birthday so get those packages and checks in the mail!

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