Sunday, March 20, 2005

Hello Family

We have a new counselor in the branch -- Brother Judd. He was sustained today. Anyway, it's spring break. The weather is beautiful. It's been pouring down rain for the past two days. Yeah, after a very dry winter, now it starts to rain. I've signed up for classes for next term: math, history, writing, and geology. Those are the classes I have to take in order to graduate in June. After that, who knows what I'll do? I have a couple of ideas, but nothing for certain. Clarissa plans on being a philosopher this term, taking classes called theory of knowledge and faith and knowledge: the philosophy of religion, as well as speech and drama. Mom, we (meaning me and Clarissa) finished your puzzle. I plan to spend spring break cleaning out my stuff, going through boxes in the storage room, and figuring out how to get my web page updated. Only how do I do that?



Mindy Sebastian said...

Emily, we can have a nice long phone call all about updating your webpage, okay? Just let me know when you're free! If you really want to do it this week, we'll have to do it on Monday,Tuesday, or Thursday, cuz on Wednesday I have DOA (anime club) and Jason and I are heading up to Edmonton on Friday.

Emily said...

Mindy, I'm here just about all the time. Thursday would be good. Talk to you soon.
