Saturday, March 12, 2005

temple day

I called the Edmonton temple, and we now have an appointment (since it's a small temple) for 2:30 on Saturday, March 26th. That means Oregon and California people can go at 1:30, Texas can go at 3:30, and Washington DC can go at 4:30. If that's all cool with you guys!

Childhood activites I still enjoy - reading, drawing, playing outside (especially the swings) .. laughing and playing with friends. It's fun to play with toys sometimes too (aside from big-kid toys like the computer and stuff like that).

Adventures - white-water rafting when I just turned 17, living in Russia for four months (which was the coolest thing ever and I'd love to go again) ... I guess getting married was an adventure, and moving to Canada where I didn't know anyone except Jason. I'm sure Jason has many more "adventures" than I, so I'll try and get him to post them soon.

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